Friday, February 7, 2025
Michael Stone Online

Postal Service

A Paulding ZIP Code in a Cobb World (Patch)—He had a Cobb ZIP code when he lived in Paulding County, and three years ago, when he actually moved to Cobb, his ZIP changed to a Paulding code. Before relocating, Johnnie Purify wasn’t aware of the possible complications presented by living in a city that has another city’s—and especially county’s—ZIP code. But since then, he said he has learned more about the issue than he ever thought he would. “We were totally unaware of the infraction it would cause on our life,” said the husband and father of three.

Blue Boxes Vanishing (Chattanooga Times Free Press)—Steve Combs slid an envelope into a U.S. Postal Service blue collection box on Browns Ferry Road and then reminisced about the days when the boxes were more plentiful in the Chattanooga area.

Residents Appear Mixed on Powder Springs ZIP Code Change (Patch)—Residents of Powder Springs and unincorporated Cobb attending a packed town hall meeting Tuesday night seemed split on how they will vote on changing their ZIP code from Hiram’s 30141 to Powder Springs’ 30127.