Friday, February 7, 2025
Michael Stone Online


Writing & Reporting


Smoky Mountains
(December 2016)
Women’s March on Washington
(January 2017)
National Parks in Southern Utah
(May 2017)
Richard Spencer Protest (October 2017)



Among AOL, WUFT (PBS/NPR), other outlets, and teaching at the University of Florida, Michael has edited thousands of news articles, school papers, and other writing. Here are examples of published articles — all from WUFT — on which he coached the cub reporters and that he edited.


Multimedia Writing, spring 2013

Since 2013, Michael has taught students majoring in journalism, telecommunications, public relations, advertising, and sometimes other fields at the University of Florida. As of the fall 2019 semester, he has led 51 class sections among the courses below.

News Center Practicum ( JOU 4201 )

Semesters taught: Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017 (two sections per semester); Spring 2016 (three sections)
This in-person course has me serving as a WUFT (NPR/PBS) news editor/manager while students work as reporters covering about a dozen counties in North Central Florida and first-line editors in a professional newsroom setting.

Problems and Ethics in Journalism ( JOU 4700 ) /
Ethics and Problems in Mass Communications ( MMC 3203 )

Semesters taught: Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019 (one section per semester); Spring 2018 (two sections)
This in-person course of up to 45 students explores a vast range of contemporary ethical cases, themes and theories, and uses successes and failures in journalism and advertising — especially those stemming from gray-area ethical decisions — as a base to launch into in-class discussions and out-of-class projects.

Multimedia Reporting ( JOU 3346 )

Semesters taught: Spring 2014, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2016 (one section per semester)
This online course has up to roughly 150 students and teaches them how to produce multimedia elements — audio, photo and video — to accompany and enhance text stories. Students are encouraged to get their multimedia work published, with many of them doing so for the first time.

Multimedia Writing ( JOU 3109 )

Problems and Ethics in Journalism, spring 2016

Semesters taught: Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019 (two sections per semester); Fall 2015 (one section)
This in-person or online course has up to 20 students per section and teaches them hard-news writing, feature writing, public relations, social media, blogging and professional development. Some assignments require students to write original stories, and many students are successful in turning these stories into their first publications.

Writing Mechanics ( JOU 2040 )

Semesters taught: Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Summer 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Summer 2019, Fall 2019 (one section per semester)
This online course of up to 200-plus students is classified as journalism but is open to any major at the university. Students better their grammar and punctuation, especially in areas commonly misused in everyday writing.

Communications Consulting

Michael with St. Johns River Water Management District employees during a 2017 science-writing workshop.

Michael teaches communications workshops to professionals. Example lessons are:
  • Document preparation
  • Team planning
  • Tight, clear, engaging writing
  • Grammar, punctuation, and style
  • Editing
Though his consulting specialty is science writing, Michael can provide workshops in any field, and they’re customized to the specific organization in line with its communication needs and style preferences. His coaching extends to before (pre-meeting activities) and after (“grading” writing assignments provided to participants) the actual workshop.