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Browsing the "Business" Category

‘Helistroke’ Presents New Opportunity for Saving Critical Time in Stroke Care

The idea of sending physicians away from their home hospital came from organ transplants. Typically, once an organ becomes available, one surgeon will begin prepping the recipient while another will go by plane to harvest the organ from the donor. [...]

August 8, 2017 Business, Health, Journalism/Communications

Communication, Defensive Medicine Persist as Malpractice Armor

While the total number of malpractice claims has fallen over the past decade, the risk still lingers for physicians, with 154,621 paid claims between 2004 and 2014 (or about 38 a day) listed by the National Practitioner Data Bank. And [...]

December 27, 2016 Business, Health, Journalism/Communications

From Joystick to Job: Gamers Provide Recruitment Base for Cybersecurity Shortfall

IT giant Cisco figured that, as of 2014, the world would be short 1 million cybersecurity pros to fend off the constant threat of online attackers, who seem to grow in number and sophistication by the minute. Meanwhile, as many as [...]

August 20, 2016 Business, Journalism/Communications, Tech

Using Public WiFi? Protect Yourself from Attacks First

The coffee-drinking, frequent-flying, hotel-sleeping faithful that depends on businesses offering free WiFi might already know it, but let’s have TechQuickie’s Linus Sebastian remind us: “Public WiFi is about as secure as a screen door — made of cheese.” An exaggeration? Maybe. [...]

July 3, 2016 Business, Tech

5 Tips for Stopping Insider Threats

Employers bring on people who have the skills, who have the certifications, who often have longevity in the field, and who they think they can trust. But in an increasingly complex, globalized, ruthless world, the trust portion is becoming harder and [...]

June 18, 2016 Business, Tech

ZocDoc’s Patient-First Philosophy Clicks with Users and Their Physicians — When Randye Karmin, MD, opened a new ob-gyn office in Miami in 2010, the patient load wasn’t exactly a problem, but she did want to find a way to invite in at least a little more business. [...]

October 9, 2015 Business, Health, Tech