Saturday, July 27, 2024
Michael Stone Online

Browsing the "Travel & Culture" Category

New Species Added: Magnificent Frigatebird—Male and Female (Fregata Magnificens)


February 10, 2016 admin Nature & Wildlife, Photo, Travel & Culture 0

New Species Added: Magnificent Frigatebird—Juvenile (Fregata Magnificens)


February 7, 2016 admin Nature & Wildlife, Photo, Travel & Culture 0

New Species Added: Lava Gull (Larus Fuliginosus) VULNERABLE


February 3, 2016 admin Nature & Wildlife, Photo, Travel & Culture 0

New Species Added: Blue-Footed Booby (Sula Nebouxii)


January 30, 2016 admin Nature & Wildlife, Photo, Travel & Culture 0

Do Humans Live on the Galapagos Islands?

Yes—the Galapagos Islands, part of the South American country of Ecuador, have about 25,000 permanent residents, 1,800 temporaries and 5,000 “irregulars,” according to the Galapagos Conservancy. The population has exploded in recent decades: In the early ’70s, only roughly 4,000 people lived there. The growth — of both residents and [...]

December 27, 2015 admin Nature & Wildlife, Travel & Culture 0

New species added: Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus hassi) VULNERABLE

Species are in alphabetical order and have an IUCN classification of “Least Concern” unless noted. Species and subspecies are identified by two- and three-word scientific names, respectively. [...]

December 24, 2015 admin Nature & Wildlife, Photo, Travel & Culture 0