Click photos to enlarge. Species are in alphabetical order and have an IUCN classification of “Least Concern” unless noted. Species and subspecies are identified by two- and three-word scientific names, respectively. All photos are by Michael Stone and are available for anyone wanting to use them for educational purposes. [...]
Click photos to enlarge. Species are in alphabetical order and have an IUCN classification of “Least Concern” unless noted. Species and subspecies are identified by two- and three-word scientific names, respectively. All photos are by Michael Stone and are available for anyone wanting to use them for educational purposes. [...]
Click photos to enlarge. Species are in alphabetical order and have an IUCN classification of “Least Concern” unless noted. Species and subspecies are identified by two- and three-word scientific names, respectively. All photos are by Michael Stone and are available for anyone wanting to use them for educational purposes. [...]
Eastern gray squirrels — those cute but pesky rodents who always find a way to get to even the most well-guarded birdfeeders in the right half of the U.S. and into Canada — seem uniform in action and appearance. But on a recent venture through a park in downtown Tampa, [...]
Species are in alphabetical order and have an IUCN classification of “Least Concern” unless noted. Species and subspecies are identified by two- and three-word scientific names, respectively. All photos are by Michael Stone and are available for anyone wanting to use them for educational purposes. [...]
Species are in alphabetical order and have an IUCN classification of “Least Concern” unless noted. Species and subspecies are identified by two- and three-word scientific names, respectively. All photos are by Michael Stone and are available for anyone wanting to use them for educational purposes. [...]