Sunday, September 15, 2024
Michael Stone Online

‘Helistroke’ Presents New Opportunity for Saving Critical Time in Stroke Care

The idea of sending physicians away from their home hospital came from organ transplants.

Typically, once an organ becomes available, one surgeon will begin prepping the recipient while another will go by plane to harvest the organ from the donor. That makes for a “nearly seamless connection in the timings,” said Dr. Ferdinand Hui of Johns Hopkins Hospital.

And when it comes to one of Hui’s specialties, emergency stroke care, timing is of the utmost importance. So with the well-oiled response of organ transplant in mind, Hui came up with a new method for shaving off precious seconds in stroke care.

He calls the method “helistroke,” which means taking the physician to the stroke patient by helicopter.

Read the full story in the Physician Leadership Library.


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