My friend and fellow University of Florida graduate student Keran Billaud asked for volunteers to dump ice water on him for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, so of course I stepped up to the plate.
Me and another grad student, Aqsa Bashir, poured three coolers worth from the upper deck of UF’s football stadium onto Keran in the lower deck. That’s me wearing the GoPro in the video, and that’s Keran getting pelted and frozen. (I think he did a pretty “bang-up” job on the video editing, too.)
He challenged three people to do their own Ice Bucket Challenge: one of his undergraduate professors from Emory and Henry, Dr. Teresa Keller; a professor and dean in our college at UF, Dr. Debbie Treise; and UF President Bernie Machen.
As reported in a Gainesville Sun blog, Machen hasn’t said yet whether he’ll accept Keran’s challenge. I sure hope he will—for an awesome cause and for an awesome video.
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