Well my photo class here in Berlin flew by. We had our last group dinner atop the mighty TV Tower Wednesday, and everyone headed back to the U.S. or out to do their own European thing Thursday.
But Hannah came in right after, and we’ll be here until the end of June freewheelin’ from one place to the next.
I’ll admit that the thought of being in Europe without having too hard of an itinerary or plan was quite intimidating at first. But feeling things out day by day is, to say simply, really fun. And it’s also easy, thanks largely to my handy dandy guidebook Lonely Planet: Germany.
Hannah and I are staying at Amstel House, the first hostel experience for both of us. I’ll expand on this soon, but in short, hostels are grounds for unique breeds of interesting people and experiences.
We’re going to knock out some more places in and around Berlin—like the concentration camp we visited Friday, Sachsenhausen—before catching a train either to southern Germany or Prague. If you know of a nearby must-see, please do let me know.
Before giving this page the ole Command+W, check out Hannah’s own blog and some odds-and-ends pictures from my last days of class. Thanks for reading!

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