Friday, February 7, 2025
Michael Stone Online

Browsing the "Health" Category

BYOD in Health Care Requires Extra HIPAA Precautions

Hospitals have differing policies when it comes to letting healthcare providers use their personal — or bring-your-own-device (BYOD) — mobile phones and other electronics to transmit and work with patients’ protected health information (PHI). Simply put, some allow it; some provide a device for just work, allowing IT personnel to [...]

June 26, 2016 admin Health, Tech 0

Video Recap: Cool Critters, Great People Abound at MBL’s Science Crash Course for Journalists

Because of all the activities a few weeks ago during the Logan Science Journalism Program at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts — analyzing female pronucleus centration in sea urchin eggs, looking for phenotypes after gene deletion in yeast cells, dredging for live marine samples in the Virginia Sound — it’s hard [...]

June 17, 2016 admin Health, Journalism/Communications, Nature & Wildlife 0

MBL Journalism Program: Giving Science Writers a Fresh Start at Science

The Marine Biological Laboratory, founded in 1888 in the small coastal town of Woods Hole, Massachusetts, was kind enough to select me as a 2016 Logan Science Journalism Program biomedical fellow. MBL’s campus is hallowed ground among many scientific communities, with 56 Nobel Laureates having an MBL affiliation. The town of [...]

May 28, 2016 admin Health, Journalism/Communications, Travel & Culture 0

Swimming Offers Workout that Doesn’t Discriminate Against Age, Disability or Weight

— Bill Alderson has had a heart attack, a stroke and, since about three years ago, a virus that paralyzes half of his diaphragm. Now 80, he has been a swimmer since he was 6, doing so competitively in high school and in the Marines, and recreationally for exercise — [...]

February 17, 2016 admin Health, Journalism/Communications, Sports 0

Alternative Food Diets: Vegan, Paleo, Raw Pros and Cons

— These days, there seems to be a diet for almost any food-related goal — mainly for heath reasons like weight loss, increased energy and body building, but also for ethical reasons such as animal rights and environmental stewardship. Explore the pros and cons for three of the most popular ones [...]

February 14, 2016 admin Health, Journalism/Communications, Travel & Culture, Vegan Living 0

A Cure for Brain Cancer Might Come from Within

— Along Newell Drive on the University of Florida campus, at the bottom of a rare steep slope in Gainesville, stands an imposing, six-story structure in which minds of great intelligence study the mind, hoping to make life better — or longer — for those suffering from mental illness or [...]

October 20, 2015 admin Health, Journalism/Communications 0